FROZEN PEAKS mountain races
Since 2018, the Hiking and Mountaineering Association of Nevrokopi (POS Nevrokopi) in collaboration with the Municipality of Kato Nevrokopi has been organizing mountain races under the name “FROZEN PEAKS”. The event includes four mountain races of 15, 46, 93 and 261 km in semi-autonomy conditions and ITRA POINTS, as well as concurrent cultural events. The Frozen Peaks Road Races will be held in early May in the area of the Municipality of Nevrokopi. Along the routes of all races, there is adequate and distinct signaling, consisting of:
Event distinctive reflective flags
Phosphorescent paint signals at fixed points (rocks - stones)
Mileage indication
No-passing signs
Direction signals, left - right
Supply Stations (Aid Stations) will give useful information about kilometer distance, altitude range and location of the specific Station.
Furthermore, track info of each race will be available in gpx format for runners using gps or smart watches.